As we all know, the Federal Election will be taking place October 19 and we are asking all of our eligible members to get out and vote! The last federal election showed that the majority of eligible voters did not vote. Perhaps you work long shifts or are out of town, or you’re simply unsure of the process – we can help you with that!
Start by registering to vote by going to the Elections Canada site. Once you’re registered you will receive an information card from Elections Canada (information cards will be mailed out to all registered voters on September 25.) If you are a first time voter or just need a refresher on the process, please review the Voter’s Guide from Elections Canada.
If you just can’t make it to the polls on October 19, please take the time to vote early or by mail. You can vote at your nearest Elections Canada office up until October 13. You can also vote on the advanced polling days (you’ll find the when and where on your voter information card.) You can also apply for a special ballot to be mailed in. For more information on any of these options or to apply for a special ballot voting kit, please visit Ways to Vote on the Elections Canada website.
If you have any questions or concerns with the voting process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with someone from your Political Action/Membership Engagement Committee and we’ll try and help you out the best we can.
Political Action/Membership Engagement Committee:
Roland Sturt-Smith –
Amanda Pascuzzi –