Community Service To The Community! admin December 9, 2014October 25, 2023 Share Lochlan Murray (son of a LL 692 member) has truly shown what the Service to the Community part of our motto is all about. The...
Community Municipal Elections admin November 12, 2014October 25, 2023 Share Please see attachments for information regarding the upcoming Municipal Elections IAM voting, island IAM voting, mainland
Guide Dogs Local Lodge BC/Alberta Guide Dogs admin September 27, 2014October 25, 2023 Share Remember to save your beverage tabs! For every 20 litre pail full of tabs, Local 692 donates $1000 to BC and Alberta Guide Dogs. The...
Solidarity Training 2015 IAM Scholarship Competition admin September 25, 2014September 25, 2014 Share Every year, within the IAM organization, there is a competition to aid members or their children with the cost of schooling. The 2015 IAM scholarship...
Solidarity Buy Union Made admin July 28, 2014July 29, 2014 Share Not sure if your beverage of choice is a union made product? Check out for an easy to use search function on many types...